The benefits of digitization in everyday life
How we can make the best use of technology for ourselves
20 April, 2023 by
The benefits of digitization in everyday life
manaTec GmbH, Laura Schoeder

In der heutigen Zeit ist es fast ausgeschlossen, sich der Digitalisierung und ihrem fortschreitenden Prozess zu entziehen. Sie ist aus unserem Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken und hat unsere Art zu leben sowie zu arbeiten grundlegend verändert.

Die Automatisierung bietet viele Vorteile unabhängig davon, welchen Lebensbereich wir betrachten. Die zentralsten Erscheinungen möchten wir in diesem Blogartikel genauer hervorheben. Damit verbunden, bilden sich auch Chancen und Herausforderungen der Automatisierung für die Zukunft heraus.

Die flexible Arbeit im Home-Office

The key benefits of digitization

In our view, one of the greatest potentials of digitization is that it can make many processes easier. Our smartphone alone allows us to communicate with people at any time, to always be up to date, or to quickly close a deal on the side. It allows us to save a lot of time and resources because we can do many things regardless of location. This increases our mobility and results in completely new work and life models. Especially working in a home office or even from different locations is very popular among many who have the possibility in their job. We can save a lot of time and also stress if we have the opportunity to work from home. Nowadays, depending on the job, it is no longer necessary to have to squeeze through the glorious after-work traffic every morning or afternoon. This is a psychological relief for many, as they can start the day for themselves. The focus here is on the word "can." Because that brings us to the next advantage of digitization. "Everything can, nothing must," is a motto with this topic. If you don't like working from a home office, it's not necessary. Unless the employer has closed the office to save costs.

At this point we would like to take up the point of cost savings. If too many aspects are saved in the work, this naturally also has disadvantages. But often there are also many advantages in terms of our ecological footprint. Digital processes and conditions make it possible to reduce the amount of hardware used or even to dispense with paper completely. Likewise, meetings can nowadays be held digitally without any problems, or this has already become the norm in many cases. This means that business trips can be dispensed with and CO2 emissions can be reduced. We handle this similarly at manaTec. For more than two years, we have optimized our processes to be as paper-free as possible and have the option to work completely remotely.

However, one of the greatest benefits in automation is also the increase in efficiency and the opportunity for innovation through the use of technology. Through the use of a wide variety of technologies, processes in companies can be automated and increase the productivity and efficiency of a company. Innovative products or services can be developed that did not exist before.

manaCRM ermöglicht es Unternehmen, durch Digitalisierung und Automatisierung von Vertriebsprozessen einen Zeitvorteil zu erzielen. Mit der CRM-Software können Kundenkontakte effizienter verwaltet werden und die zentrale Datenspeicherung ermöglicht eine Echtzeit-Datenverarbeitung. Dadurch können Unternehmen schneller auf Kundenanfragen reagieren, Prozesse beschleunigen und somit produktiver und wettbewerbsfähiger werden.

Nowadays, we don't even have to go shopping ourselves. We can have the products we need delivered to our homes in seconds via app. This can also be an advantage for older people or people with disabilities in particular, as they are often limited when it comes to carrying their shopping. You may need help at one or the other interface, but again, for example, the grandson can organize a drink delivery or the weekly groceries for his grandma from anywhere in the world. Another advantage is generally the accessibility for people with limited mobility, as they can better participate in social life through barrier-free websites or apps, for example. Digital assistants in particular make a major contribution to the everyday lives of many people, as they are easy to use in communication and you can talk to them in an uncomplicated way. In the concrete example, an assistant can read out the daily news if a person only has very limited eyesight and can no longer read the writing in the daily newspaper. But it is not left out that older people or even people with disabilities often need personal support during their initial points of contact with the digital world in order to learn how to use it.


The following opportunities arise from the advantages mentioned with regard to the digitization of everyday processes. We can benefit from time advantages and use the time gained more for our private life through home office, for example. On the other hand, it is also possible to improve our personal carbon footprint, since a digital working environment reduces business trips or even commutes.

Through new innovations, we have the opportunity to benefit as never before in all areas of life in the future. Research into diseases in particular should not be left out at this point. Older people and people with disabilities can also benefit from the "digital revolution" and experience significant improvements in their everyday lives that were inconceivable many years ago.


From the author's point of view, one of the most important challenges is to raise awareness of the downsides of digitization. This is not to say that fear and terror should be spread. But nowadays it is generally more important than ever to know one's own limits and to adhere to them or, if necessary, to set limits for oneself. Due to the sensory overload in everyday life, it can quickly lead to us being too distracted from the essential things or allowing ourselves to be distracted. Through constant accessibility and uninterrupted access to digital media, we too often lose ourselves in the digital world. In addition, alienation can also occur to a certain extent. The reason for this is that people really forget about real life and communicate with each other exclusively digitally instead of also maintaining personal contact. One of the reasons for this could be the convenience to which people have become too accustomed through simplified processes in everyday life.

In the worst case, digitization can also lead to a split in society, as not everyone has the financial and technical access to digital technologies. Furthermore, topics such as data protection and data security also play an important role in the challenges. Private individuals and companies should take measures to protect their data from unauthorized access. Likewise, privacy suffers from the possibility of being monitored seamlessly.

Last but not least, we would also like to draw attention to job losses due to digitized processes. Due to automation, in some areas of work, human labor may even be completely eliminated and replaced by the use of state-of-the-art machines and technologies. For companies, this is a great innovation to save more costs and increase profit. For social life and people, however, who in turn can only finance personal digitization through a job, extremely questionable. In places where employees are lacking, the use is definitely an enrichment for people, too, but as soon as technology replaces human labor, there is a social problem in the long term.

Am Ende bleibt festzuhalten, dass die Automatisierung sehr viele Vorteile mit sich bringt und sich enorme Chancen, insbesondere für unser Alltagsleben, aber auch für die Arbeitswelt, ergeben. Es liegt an jedem selbst, inwiefern er oder sie diese Chancen für sich selbst oder auch sein Unternehmen nutzen möchte. Jedoch bleiben die Herausforderungen in Bezug auf die Digitalisierung nicht aus und müssen ebenso berücksichtigt werden. Um die Digitalisierung bestmöglich in unseren Alltag integrieren zu können, sollten wir uns bewusst mit uns selbst und den entstandenen Möglichkeiten auseinandersetzen. Man könnte sich zum Beispiel digitale Auszeiten nehmen oder bewusst dazu entscheiden, sich mit seinem Partner oder seiner Partnerin bzw. mit Freunden persönlich zu treffen, statt ausschließlich virtuell zu kommunizieren.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the aspects discussed here are intended to stimulate ideas. Given the complexity of the subject matter, it is not possible to cover all aspects in full.

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