Business Intelligence Consulting

Business Intelligence Consulting

Faster reporting for predictable success.

When reporting and business planning via Excel lists reaches its limits, or when too much information has to be manually compiled from various upstream systems in order to obtain a solid view of your company's development, then it is time for a real business intelligence solution in your company.

We are happy to support you all along the way by providing consulting services, from recording the current state and your requirements, to tool selection and implementation of your own BI solution. Through our experience in complex BI projects, we have extensive process know-how as well as in the agile breakdown of such complexities. In doing so, we develop suitable solutions with the possibility of agile further development.

Through our partners at ARTS Processes, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Egle of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, the whitepaper "Business Intelligence: How Data Analytics in Aerospace Ensures Faster and Better Information" was published.

Read the complete article here


Jedox as Corporate Performance Software

For the implemented project at the ARTS group we use the software Jedox. Jedox simplifies planning, analysis and reporting for CPM and BI. Especially due to the integration into Excel, the software is intuitive to use for users.

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Why BI? The benefits.

        Business Intelligence


        • Connection of various data sources to a data warehouse
        • Standardization of the different input data and transformation to data cubes
        • Gain knowledge through ad hoc analysis and data mining
        • Quick overview of relevant key figures through dashboards
        • Streamlining of the system landscape through a central data warehouse
        • Faster responsiveness
        • Increasing the quality of decision making
        • Increased corporate transparency
        Schedule your free consulting appointment now

        Our approach. We support you throughout the entire process.

        A BI solution maps the core processes of the company and thus makes them easy to measure. As an experienced BI team, we map processes in a standardized way and develop the connection to the existing upstream systems. For monitoring and regular reporting, we develop KPIs and the appropriate reports so that all important key figures are clearly displayed via a company cockpit.

        To do this, we use the procedures of prototyping, iterative development steps, and standardized process steps. Prototyping is a development method that has its origins in agile software development and basically makes use of the Pareto principle. At the beginning of the project, a prototype is developed jointly in a storming session with participants from the affected specialist and development departments. This prototype can have different levels of maturity. It can be a click dummy that only simulates a functionality and essentially represents a sample as a specification for the actual application to be developed.

        The goal is to obtain an MVP (minimum viable product) that already creates added value for your company. In addition to the MVP, a more precise goal and the rough path to get there is also specified. This path is divided into different iterative steps based on priorities and efforts. In these steps, we jointly develop your BI application into an integral component in your corporate management and planning.

        The added value of iterative development steps is to divide the time for conceptual phases and not to perform them in one block at the beginning of the development. In addition, changes in the environment, priorities and new findings can be addressed in the agile individual steps. This approach has its origins in agile software development with methods such as Scrum, Kanban or hybrid forms such as Scrumban, which are adapted to the corresponding requirements and framework conditions. Here, predefined work packages are processed in so-called sprints, small development sections. At the end of a sprint, the tasks achieved are compared with those originally planned. A retrospective is conducted in which it is recorded what went well during the sprint and should be maintained and what went badly and how it can be improved. Afterwards, the tasks for the next sprint are planned.

        In the iterative steps, the following types of development can be primarily distinguished for our project:

        Automation of the ETL processes

        Initially manually connected proven input data into the system can be imported continuously by automated ETL processes and thus development curves of the individual drivers can be tracked.

        Correction of existing assumptions

        If new KPI's or data sources become relevant or originally planned KPI's lose weight, the relations and connections can be agilely adjusted during development.

        Adaptation to changing conditions

        The company can react agilely to expansion and changes in the business segments with a corresponding influence on the evaluation or planning system or technical changes in the previous systems.

          During the course of the project, we continue to follow the following standardized steps to provide you with optimal support throughout the entire process:

                                                                            Aufnahme und Abbildung Ihrer Prozesse

                                                                            Together we look at your processes and work out how and in which systems your company data is stored.

                                                                            Identification of implementation goals

                                                                            Now we define together which data we use for a later evaluation.

                                                                            Data Warehouse Design

                                                                            The next step is to develop a solution to integrate your data from different data sources into the destination. We pay particular attention to storage options, access options and the performance requirements of the data warehouse.

                                                                            Design and optimization of ETL routes

                                                                            The data from the various data sources is then consolidated. This means that the data is structured in such a way that it can be retrieved uniformly in its structure in the data warehouse.

                                                                            Connection of different data sources

                                                                            In this step, the relevant data sources are connected to the data warehouse so that the data is available at the destination.

                                                                            Definition of key performance indicators

                                                                            Now it is possible to retrieve the structured data in the data warehouse and to highlight the relevant information for your corporate planning. KPI's are the key figures that have a direct influence on your company's success.

                                                                            Setup and optimization of a dynamic reporting system

                                                                            In order to make the relevant data available for your company and to present it transparently, we support you in the further course with the development of dashboards. Thus you have your data quickly available at any time.

                                                                            Development of permission distribution concepts

                                                                            Finally, we define together which parts of your company can access the relevant data and make use of the information in order to be able to react quickly to changes and to speed up decision-making processes.

                                                                            Do you have questions and want to learn more?

                                                                            Benefit from our expertise in the area of Business Intelligence!