manaTec GmbH

Are you planning the launch of an ERP system?

We understand your challenges!

Excessive manual efforts and working in different systems let your employees reach their capacity limits.

The need to map your business processes centrally and efficiently increases the pressure from your executives.

You lack the capacities and know-how for a fully comprehensive conceptual design and successful implementation of the project.

You are already working with an IT service provider and miss a transparent, targeted and successful system implementation.

The project budget is calculated very hard. Your current project has already caused too many unnecessary costs. You want a partner who takes you by the hand.

Long communication channels and technical jargon cause delays in the project and confusion among your colleagues.

Our solution. Modern. Simple. Goal-oriented - Odoo ERP.

Odoo ERP


We support you with the requirements analysis and advise you on all questions concerning the selection of the right hardware and software.


No matter whether adjustments in the ERP system or the development of a complex interface. With professional project management, we lead your project to success.


User questions about the software or technical hurdles with the hardware. We are on the spot immediately - on request also directly on site at your premises.

Erleben Sie Odoo in Aktion: Ihre maßgeschneiderte Demo für optimale Geschäftsprozesse.

Individuelle Odoo Demo.

Sie möchten Odoo in einer kostenlosen Demo entdecken? Wir machen es möglich: Lernen Sie alle Funktionalitäten und Features in einem kostenlosen Demo-Termin kennen und überzeugen Sie sich selbst von der All-in-One-Lösung.

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Vereinbaren Sie noch heute Ihr individuelles Beratungsgespräch und lassen Sie uns die Zukunft Ihrer IT gemeinsam gestalten!

Be inspired by our success stories and customer projects.